Blogs/seo/Unlocking Shopify Profits with Google Trends 2024

Unlocking Shopify Profits with Google Trends 2024

March 18, 2024

google trends for ecommerce

Unearthing Profitable Products:

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, anticipating customer desires fuels explosive sales growth. But how do you discover these desires before your competitors? Introducing Google Trends – your powerful Shopify SEO tool that acts like a detective, uncovering hidden profit opportunities buried within search engine queries.

Harnessing the Power of Keyword Insights:

Imagine having access to the minds of millions of potential customers, seeing the exact phrases they enter into Google, revealing their deepest needs and wants. With Google Trends, you can achieve just that! It functions like an X-ray vision for keywords, helping you discover:

  • Hot Trends: Identify trending products like "DIY sourdough starter kits" or "sustainable bamboo cutlery sets" and leverage these rising stars to boost your product pages and attract eager customers. (Source: Trends on Google)

    • Google Trends allows you to identify trending products by searching for broad terms related to your niche and observing the "rising searches" section. You can then refine your search with long-tail keywords to find even more specific trending products with high sales potential. For example, if you sell kitchenware, you could identify the general trend of "DIY food kits" and then discover the specific rising sub-trend of "DIY sourdough starter kits."

  • Long-Tail Treasures: Unearth the long-tail keywords that your competitors haven't even considered, like "organic cotton t-shirts for men" or "meditation apps for busy professionals." Target these specific searches with laser focus to attract ideal customers seeking your unique offerings. (Source: Trends on Google)

    • Long-tail keywords are more specific search phrases containing three or more words. They typically have lower search volume but higher conversion rates compared to broad keywords. You can use Google Trends to discover long-tail keywords by entering a seed keyword related to your products and exploring the "related searches" section. This section reveals specific, longer phrases people are searching for alongside your seed keyword.

  • Seasonal Shifts: Predict how search interest fluctuates throughout the year. Discover the surge in "cozy sweaters" during winter and the spike in "swimwear" searches in summer. Prepare for these seasonal traffic peaks by optimizing your product listings and running targeted ads to capitalize on the waves of consumer interest. (Source: Trends on Google)

    • Google Trends allows you to visualize seasonal buying trends by setting a specific date range for your search. By comparing search interest over time for relevant keywords, you can identify seasonal peaks and dips. Use this information to optimize your product listings and marketing campaigns to target these seasonal trends. For example, you could optimize your "cozy sweater" product pages and launch targeted ads in the fall and winter months when search interest is highest.

Unlocking the Google Trends Treasure Chest:

Using this SEO spyglass effectively is far simpler than mastering the art of sourdough baking. Here's your step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to This is your portal to the hidden world of valuable keywords.

  2. Target Your Audience: Define your ideal customer. Are you trying to reach tech-savvy gamers or eco-conscious yogis? Tailor your search to their specific location and interests.

  3. Choose Your Date Range: For seasonal trends, focus on specific timeframes like holiday shopping seasons or back-to-school sales.

  4. Enter Your Seed Keywords: Start broad (e.g., "fitness" or "electronics") and then refine with long-tail keywords like "wireless noise-canceling headphones" or "yoga mats for beginners." The more specific you are, the more focused your SEO gold becomes.

  5. Analyze, Optimize, Conquer!: Google Trends presents a visual feast of graphs and charts, revealing search traffic, related topics, and even rising and declining trends. Leverage this data to:

    • Craft Compelling Product Titles & Descriptions: Integrate trending keywords and long-tail phrases to boost product visibility in search results.
    • Create Targeted Content: Develop engaging blog posts, how-to guides, and articles that target these specific searches to attract organic traffic and convert visitors into customers.
    • Dominate Social Media: Maximize your social media presence by including trending hashtags and related phrases in your posts.

Beyond Google Trends:

Google Trends is just the first step in your SEO journey. Here are some additional tips to supercharge your Shopify SEO efforts:

  • Advanced Keyword Research Tools: Uncover even more relevant keywords and analyze competition levels with tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush.
  • Competitor Analysis: See what keywords and search terms your competitors are ranking for. Learn from their successes and avoid their mistakes!
  • Content is King: Create informative and engaging content focused on your newly discovered keywords and long-tail phrases. Establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and watch the backlinks roll in!


SEO is about riding the wave of relevant search queries, not chasing fleeting trends. Leverage Google Trends and other research tools to identify the keywords and long-tail phrases your target audience is actively searching for. Unleash your inner SEO expert and conquer the search engine landscape, Shopify warriors!